Spring 2011

Feb 12

Seventh Annual ASSC Graduate Student Conference
University of Toronto

Crises of Categorization

All events to be held at the Centre for Medieval Studies, third floor, 125 Queen’s Park, unless otherwise noted.

9.00 AM Breakfast and Registration

9.45 AM Welcome 

10.00 AM Session I: Transhistorical Anglo-Saxon England
Eric Weiskott (Yale University) “Where They Please: the punctuation of Old English poetry”
Respondent: Patrick Meusel (University of Toronto)
Sarah Miller (Trent University) “The Battle of Maldon: A Medieval Screenplay”
Respondent: Kathleen Ogden (University of Toronto)
Stephen Pelle (University of Toronto) “‘The Fifteen Signs before Doomsday’: and Post-Conquest English Identity”
Respondent: Carla Thomas (New York University)
Camin Melton (Fordham University): “Vernacular Authority in a Materialized God: Reading the Text of Christ’s Body in Old and Middle English”
Respondent: Emma Gorst (University of Toronto)

12.00 PM Lunch

1.00 PM Session II: Storms Within and Without
Paul Langeslag (University of Toronto) “Winter: Landscape and Season”
Respondent: Josephine Livingstone (New York University)
James Paz (King’s College London) “Internal/External Interactions in the Exeter Book ‘Storm’ Riddles”
Respondent: Alex Fleck (University of Toronto)
David Lennington (Princeton University) “The Anglo-Saxon Death Lists: Crisis and Categorization”
Respondent: Julia Bolotina (University of Toronto)

2.30 PM Coffee break

3.00 PM Session III: Sex and Magic in Anglo-Saxon England
Grant Leyton Simpson (Indiana University) “Crises in the Pronoun Paradigm and the Transgendered Body: Crossdressing in the Old English Saints’ Lives of Euphrosyne and Eugenia”
Respondent: Kristen Mills (University of Toronto)
Richard Shaw (University of Toronto) “At the Borders of Medicine and Magic: A New Work by Ælfric?”
Respondent: Jessica Lockhart (University of Toronto)
Leif Einarson (University of Western Ontario) “Sex and the Smithy: (mis-)representations of sexuality in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse narratives of metalworkers”
Respondent: Elizabeth Walgenbach (Yale University)

4.30 PM Coffee break

5.15 PM Tour of the Dictionary of Old English
Hosted by Professor Antonette diPaolo Healey
Robarts Library, University of Toronto
130 St. George Street

6.00 PM Dinner & reception
Hosted by Professor Andy Orchard
Provost’s Lodge, Trinity College
6 Hoskin Avenue

Please click here for the Schedule PDF.

Please click here for the Registration Form. Please fill out and return by January 31, 2011.

Sponsored by: Centre for Medieval Studies, Department of English, Trinity College

Organized by: Peter Buchanan (University of Toronto) and Colleen Butler (University of Toronto). 

Conference Website

Feb 15

Daniel Donoghue (Harvard University)

“Reading Old English Poems with Anglo-Saxon Eyes”

UC Berkeley 5.00 pm

Wheeler Hall 300

Mar 29

Kathleen Davis (University of Rhode Island)

Faculty Work-in-Progress
“Lyric Time: A Poetics of Transience”

Columbia University
5.00 pm, Board Room, Heyman Center

Apr 13

Patricia Dailey (Columbia University)

Faculty Work-in-Progress

“Naming and Unknowing: Responding to the Exeter Book Riddles”

5.30 pm, Room 405, 19 University Place

Apr 26

Renée Trilling (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

“Past Perfect: Nostalgia in Anglo-Saxon ‘Popluar Culture'”

Rutgers University 
6.00 pm, 302 Murray Hall

Apr 29

Second Annual Medieval Studies Society Symposium 
in collaboration with the Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium 
“The Culture of Anglo-Saxon England”

13-19 University Place, Room 222
New York University


9:30-10:00 Registration, breakfast

10:00-11:15 Contextualizing Early Anglo-Saxon Culture
Katherine McCullough (Ph.D. candidate, Anthropology, New York University), “Is there an Early Anglo-Saxon culture?: Regional differences in England c.450-c.600 AD”
Emile Young (Undergraduate, English and MARC, New York University), “Laws and Kingdom Formation in Early Anglo-Saxon England”
David Lennington (Ph.D. candidate, English, Princeton University), “Poetry and the Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons”

11:30-12:15 Keynote Address
Kathleen Davis (faculty, English, Rhode Island University)
“Temporality and the Law: Isidore to Alfred”

12:15-12:45 Coffee Break (light snack will be served)

12:45-2:00 Latinity and Vernacular Poetry
Erica Weaver, (Undergraduate, English, Columbia University), “”The Opus Geminatum and the Meters of Boethius”
Johanna Rodda (Ph.D. candidate, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto), “A Vernacular Version of the Ascension: Cynewulf’s Transformation of Gregory the Great’s Homily on the Ascension”
Leonard Neidorf (Ph.D. candidate, English, Harvard University), “Wilfrid of Northumbria & Daniel of Winchester: The Beowulf Poet’s Contemporaries?”