Jan 20
Marlene Ciklamini (Rutgers)
Workshop: “The Call of Britain in Old Norse Sagas”
Lunch 12 to 1 pm, followed by the workshop from 1 to 2.30
East Pyne 010,
Princeton University
Sagas are renowned for exploration: exploration of character in dramatic form, of ethical questions and of the world that lay close to, and beyond, Iceland’s geographical confines. Anglo-Saxon England was part of this world. The question before us is thus an expansive and elusive one. How did thirteenth-century sagas preserve or transform the oral tradition that commemorated Viking activities in Britain?
Feb 2
Allen Frantzen (Loyola University)
“Dialogue and Drama in Old English Poetry: Juliana and Beowulf“
5.30 pm
Reception to follow.
Pane Room, Alexander Library
Rutgers University
This event is co-sponsored by the Rutgers University Libraries
Feb 3
ASSC Graduate Student Conference
“Friendship and Community in Anglo-Saxon England”
9.30 AM to 2 PM
Plangere Writing Center, Room 302, Murray Hall (Third Floor)
Rutgers University
For full schedule click here
Feb 23
Roy Liuzza (University of Tennessee)
“Senses of Time in Anglo-Saxon England”
5.15 PM lecture, 4.30 PM reception
Language and Literature Building: 19 University Place, Room 222
Mar 17-18
First International Workshop of the ASSC
at King’s College, London with Clare Lees
For more information: King’s College Anglo Saxon Futures Site
Mar 23
Maths Bertell (Stockholm University)
“The Thundergod Thor and the World Pillar: A Comparative Perspective”
6 PM
NYU, Medieval and Renaissance Center
This event is co-sponsored by the ASSC.
Apr 7
“Recent Work in Anglo-Saxon Studies”
organized by The Medieval Club of New York
7.30 pm
Speakers: Patricia Dailey, Kathleen Davis, Stacy Klein, Haruko Momma, and Gordon Whatley.
at The Graduate Center, CUNY, 365 5th Ave (at 34th St.), room 4406
Apr 21
Peter Jeffery (Princeton University)
“Traces of the Anglo-Saxon Encounter with Roman Chant”
co-sponsored by the Liturgy Group
4 pm at Mobia, 1865 Broadway at 61st Street
May 6
ASSC Panel at Kalamazoo:
“The Powers of Language and Old English Texts”
10 AM
Session 403: Valley I, 102
Old English and the Powers of Agency
Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe, University of Notre Dame
Lacnunga XIX: An Anglo-Saxon Phenomenon
Martha Dana Rust, New York University
The Work of Words: The Powers of Old English
Patricia Dailey, Columbia University