Oct 25
Andrew Rabin (University of Louisville)
“Holy Bodies, Legal Matters:
Theorizing Law and Gender in an Early Medieval Saint’s Life”
at Rutgers University
6:00 pm, Murray Hall, 302
Nov 2
Nicholas Sparks (University of Cambridge)
“The Theft and Dismemberment of Ancient Codices: Two Case Studies”
at Columbia University
2:40-3:55pm, Hamilton Hall, 503
This is the story of the theft and mutilation of two medieval English manuscripts. The first a copy of Ælfric’s Grammar and Glossary from Exeter, now MS Hh.1.10 in Cambridge University Library. The second, the Codex Amiatinus, the best, oldest, and only complete surviving Latin Bible from before the time of Charlemagne. How did these books come into being? What clues might dismemberment provide? Neither manuscript bears any obvious indications of its provenance nor of circumstances of their dismemberment; however, these companion pieces allow us to think about books and their production as historical processes conditioned by time, space, and materials. They are not lifeless objects, but artifacts with stories to tell, often with cultural, political, social, and economic significance.
Nov 7
Carol Braun Pasternack (UC Santa Barbara) two events:
“Bloodlines: Purity, Warfare and the Procreative Family in Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica”
at Columbia University
Butler 523
4:30 pm, Reception to follow
Email for rsvp and readings: pdailey@columbia.edu
Nov 8
“Remaking Sex: The Holy Family and the Rest of Us in ‘The Advent Lyrics'”
Workshop at Rutgers University
Murray Hall, 207
4:30-7:30 pm
For readings, please contact pietrasb@gmail.com